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What is boreout and how to tackle it


Are you feeling exhausted but underwhelmed by work? This could be classic sign of boreout.

Boreout, as set out by the BBC, is chronic boredom – a phenomenon related to burnout. Most of us are familiar with burnout, which is linked to a lack of work-life balance and long hours, but ‘boreout’ is a phrase most of us are unfamiliar with.

What is boreout?

Boreout occurs when we find ourselves bored and under-stimulated by our work, to the point we find it pointless and lacking in value. Pablo Vandenabeele, clinical director for mental health at Bupa UK, explained to Stylist, “Experiencing boreout can not only affect your work performance but impact your day-to-day life and mental health,”

Signs include:

This phenomenon often impacts people who feel underwhelmed by a repetitive workload, or if there is a lack of social interaction with work and colleagues.

Unlike burnout which can be easier to spot and is often related to highly rewarded standards such as working excessive hours and limitless drive, boreout can fly under the radar for some time. Employees who realise they are impacted, may keep silent because boredom can represent a possible lack of interest or motivation, and they worry this will not be looked upon favourably by their organisation.


How to tackle boreout as an employee

How to tackle boreout as an employer


If you feel you are experiencing boreout, do speak to your GP as they may be able to help you. Including identifying reasons you are feeling this way. You can also find help via NHS Every Mind Matters.


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