Creative Resource

Two Minutes with Hannah Timperley

Two Minutes with Hannah…

In this week’s Two Minutes With feature, we catch up with Hannah Timperley. Hannah is a Senior Consultant, who has been a vital part of the Creative Resource team for over 8 years and wins hands down on lovely testimonials!


What is your job title and when did you start with Creative Resource?

I am a Senior Recruitment Consultant here at Creative Resource and have worked here for over 8 years – I honestly can’t believe it’s been 8 years… time flies when you are having fun!


What made you originally apply to work at Creative Resource?

I have always enjoyed working with and helping people. From a young age, I have always been a bit of a nosey person (my Dad used to say I would make a good detective!), which I feel is a useful trait to have so I can really understand and delve deeper into what someone is looking for. Doing so, gives me the ability to help people on their recruitment journey with Creative Resource. So, whether that’s a candidate looking for a new role, or a client looking to grow their team, I love building and growing new and existing connections!


How has the company evolved over the years?

When I started, we were a small team of 4, and now we are a lovely supportive team of 10. It’s great to see us continuing to grow from strength to strength.


How have you changed as a recruiter during that time?

When I started at Creative Resource, I definitely lacked self-confidence and self-belief – if you had told me 8 years ago, that I would be responsible for looking after my own client base and being confident and knowledgeable enough to believe I could do it, the younger Hannah would have said ‘no chance!’ Now I look back and see everything I have achieved, and it’s a big thanks to Creative Resource for providing me with this platform and having belief in me (probably more than I had in myself!). It’s played a big part in the person I am today, and for that, I will always be thankful!


How has the world of recruitment changed over the years?

In the past, employers typically had more control over who they hired, however, we have really seen a shift in this, and as there is such a high volume of roles available. Companies now have to switch how they recruit to make sure they are attracting the best talent too!


Why is Creative Resource better/different to other recruitment agencies?

We don’t just help candidates find their dream job, or help clients find their perfect candidate (although we are very good at this!), but we give back to the industry too. This is through initiatives and events such as Handle This, Portfolio Reviews, School of Thought and Two+Two to provide people with further tools, insights, advice, and resources for people who are looking to start or have career within the marketing and creative industries.


What’s next for you and the Creative Resource?

I don’t like to look too far ahead into the future and take each day as it comes! I am always learning and progressing at Creative Resource and I am excited to see what the future has in store for me… watch this space!


What is your favourite thing to do or place to go when you’re not at work?

 I grew up in the Peak District and enjoy walking and exploring new places. Although it’s not too fun when you get chased by farm animals… oh the stories I have, I could write a book!


What is the best piece of career advice you’ve ever been given?

If you need help, ask!


Describe Creative Resource in 3 words.

 Engaging, Inspiring, Collaborative


Anything else?

 If you might be looking for a new role, or need any assistance in recruiting for your team, please don’t hesitate to get in touch – I am always happy to chat! 😊

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