Creative Resource

School of Thought Leeds 2022 is over, and the winner is …!

The doors of School of Thought Leeds 2022 have closed, and we’re delighted to be able to announce this year’s winner.

The last 12 weeks have seen 13 students and 12 agencies and creative industry professionals come together virtually to set a brief each Monday, while gathering in person each Thursday so School of Thought students can present their ideas in response to the brief.

Each week we’ve seen outstanding ideas and client-ready creativity that has blown away the judges.

All the students have been on a real journey and have developed skills that will help them in their future roles and careers. Even though there is only one winner, everyone who took part should be proud of their achievements and the portfolio they have built.

Phil Cookson, the brains behind School of Thought said: Leeds 2022 has been an outstanding programme, full of talented participants who have thrown themselves into every brief they’ve been faced with and brilliant agency contributions from the Leeds creative agencies involved.

Without further ado, we’re delighted to announce that Selina Smyllie, Junior Creative Strategist at McCann Leeds is the winner of the School of Thought 2022.

Selina was a hugely deserving winner, the consistency in the quality of her ideas from Week 1 was very impressive, the judges said “SO MANY brilliant concepts and 1 very deserving winner. Selina’s ideas make me insanely jealous”

Selina will be heading to Cannes Lions 2023 and we look forward to hearing all about her experience at the festival later next year!

Once again congratulations to everyone who took part and thanks from the Creative Resource team to all the agencies, judges and absolutely everyone who made this year’s School of Thought such a great success.

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